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Everything posted by 🌟meowth🌟

  1. bcg coin is not available it means getting 20 medals is now impossible to achieved, unless they will decide to change that.
  2. Screenshot_8.thumb.png.1fcfebf4fa95a467547eb381ac4333eb.png


    i love challenges.,

    cat loves it so bring it on bc.game

    give me your best challenge🥰🥰

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  3. Everyone has a theory about Satoshi Nakamoto i really don't know who that satoshi guy is but because of this topic and curiosity i made a research., and found out about the CIA theory.. so satoshi nakamoto really disappeared after making the bitcoin. he made the bitcoin and when it become successful he got lot of threats then he hides. and then after i read this theory, i shared it to my neighbor a.k.a. (tsismosang kapitbahay) and then she says : DId u see that crazy man there in street??? that man is satoshi he's carrying lot of real coins with letter B... and i laugh hard its just a kids toy
  4. Thanks for following me; 

    if u love my post ,

    don't forget to press the heart button,

    if a cat wins a game i give u all a tip



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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 🌟meowth🌟


      ok maya bigyan kta bilisan mo kc plvl🤣

    3. 🌟meowth🌟


      like mo post ko..click mo ung heart... o kaya ung heart mo nlng bigay mo sken ayeeee..

    4. memeng
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