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BCGAME Christmas Talent 2022


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  • BCGameZuna changed the title to BCGAME Christmas Talent 2022

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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:21 PM, BCGameZuna said:




✨ Time to move your groove or sing out loud as BCGAME appreciates our talented players. ✨

Get your Christmas tunes and show us your sexy, energetic and cheerful dance steps! 

oh you don't wanna dance? Well then let's hear that pitch perfect voice, get your mic and do a Christmas song . Let's go🔥👯💃 or 🎤🎙️



How to join: 

1. Choose your talent to showcase: sing or dance? 

2. Make sure that it's related to Christmas. 

3. For Dancing: You need to make a video. Before your actual performance you need to say the following: 

Hello players! My username is ____ (say your username) this is for BCGAME Christmas talent 2022. 

For Singing: You need to make a video or just a recording app. Before your actual performance you need to say the following: 

Hello players! My username is ____ (say your username) this is for BCGAME Christmas talent 2022. 

4. Post your entry in the thread. You can use imgur.com or vocaroo.com or other uploading sites for videos and recordings. 

5. Optional - post in your social media with the hashtag 
#BCGAME #BCGAMEChristmasTalent2022

Share the link of your post here.

Additional Requirements: 

• Minimum VIP 4
• No bet required
• Only one participant per household


Follow all the instructions above otherwise it will be invalid. 


First 🥇 - 100 BCD

Second 🥈 -  75 BCD

Third 🥉 - 50 BCD

4 winners of 20 BCD for selected entries that will post on their social media - (make sure you provide the link and do not delete while competition is ongoing) 


• Winners will be selected by available Mods/Community Managers/Vip hosts

Once the thread closes, please wait for 48-72 hours for the distribution of prizes.




Here is a sample entry:







better give all participants a gift if joined so will anthusiast.... only idea


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Ill be gett8ng right on this

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The site wants us to sing and dance for a slight chance to win money that will more than likely just be out back into the site lol 

And I don't know why they wouldn't have the users vote on the videos. Would of been a great idea to get more involvement with the "community". 

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  On 12/7/2022 at 12:14 PM, allykay said:

The site wants us to sing and dance for a slight chance to win money that will more than likely just be out back into the site lol 

And I don't know why they wouldn't have the users vote on the videos. Would of been a great idea to get more involvement with the "community". 


Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Can you explain how you like players to vote for such contest? 

 A. Do you say I will pick players who will vote for such contest or

B. If they react to the reaction button to identify as a vote. 


please remember that there are alts, this could just possibly be abuse for that part, that's one reason we avoid. 




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  On 12/7/2022 at 12:14 PM, allykay said:

The site wants us to sing and dance for a slight chance to win money that will more than likely just be out back into the site lol 

And I don't know why they wouldn't have the users vote on the videos. Would of been a great idea to get more involvement with the "community". 


here the mods decide and so for their friends so not fair the contest

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  On 12/7/2022 at 1:25 PM, BCGameZuna said:

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Can you explain how you like players to vote for such contest? 

 A. Do you say I will pick players who will vote for such contest or

B. If they react to the reaction button to identify as a vote. 


please remember that there are alts, this could just possibly be abuse for that part, that's one reason we avoid. 







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  On 12/7/2022 at 2:42 PM, Elpresidente said:

here the mods decide and so for their friends so not fair the contest


It happened when your entry didn't win before. We have to remember that in contests we can win and we also can lose. Sorry your entry just didn't make it. Learn to improve next time. Good luck 😃❤️

Post entries only, non related ones will be deleted. Advance Merry Christmas. No time for hate, just love love ❤️❤️❤️

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  On 12/8/2022 at 3:11 AM, BCGameZuna said:

It happened when your entry didn't win before. We have to remember that in contests we can win and we also can lose. Sorry your entry just didn't make it. Learn to improve next time. Good luck 😃❤️

Post entries only, non related ones will be deleted. Advance Merry Christmas. No time for hate, just love love ❤️❤️❤️


No, you're wrong. I don't care whether I win or lose, otherwise I would no longer be a customer here.
But have a look at the Halloween Contest...
There were many good entries and look what won.
It has nothing to do with hatred or badmouthing but it is a fact that friends were preferred!

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  On 12/8/2022 at 5:47 AM, Elpresidente said:

No, you're wrong. I don't care whether I win or lose, otherwise I would no longer be a customer here.
But have a look at the Halloween Contest...
There were many good entries and look what won.
It has nothing to do with hatred or badmouthing but it is a fact that friends were preferred!


It is important to follow the instructions given. Most of the entries didn't follow the rules. 


Same goes with this contest. If you don't follow the instructions then your entry will be invalid. 

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I speak spanish... I wan't to make rap to us.


I can join with my langguage?

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  On 12/10/2022 at 9:40 AM, Luckyboy14 said:

I speak spanish... I wan't to make rap to us.


I can join with my langguage?


Hello yes you can, we are open for that but would appreciate if you can send also the translation for it for us to easily understand. Make sure it is a Christmas song too. 

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  On 12/10/2022 at 5:09 PM, BCGameZuna said:

Hello yes you can, we are open for that but would appreciate if you can send also the translation for it for us to easily understand. Make sure it is a Christmas song too. 


The unique thing is, when changing the language there is no constancy in the rhymes and I will use traslator. No problem only wanna to say that.

Edited by Luckyboy14
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  On 12/11/2022 at 2:16 AM, Luckyboy14 said:

The unique thing is, when changing the language there is no constancy in the rhymes and I will use traslator. No problem only wanna to say that.


Oh I didn't mean you change the language while singing it. Just that the lyrics you can attach here with the translation. Hope it's clear 🙂

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Merry Christmas to everyone who will listen to me, It smells like December the sweet scent of every night

It's not luck it's about intelligence be patient you already fell into the error of experience

Dedicated to Ewa who gave me the task of illuminating minds, Remember even if you lose always stay strong

The time will come when you have cryptos to spare, Play in style and trick your shadow

Have faith that from time to time it rains in your desert, Do not fall into despair asking for support from the rest

Always honest, there is no tolerance for those who break the rules, What are you waiting for, stop think and observe

What will be the next test? Fulfilling my goals It's Christmas you have to enjoy and put problems aside

I have a birthday soon and I'm waiting for a piece of cake, I remember several nights crying for losing yesterday

Thanks to Bit Coin Game for all the support, It is the best casino of all

I have won every time I lose, I bet without fear Life is a risk remember to enjoy every moment

Something more direct so that you understand me... enjoy every moment that happens because it will only repeat itself in your head.



feliz navidad a todos los que me escuchen huele a diciembre el dulce aroma de cada noche

no es suerte es sobre la inteligencia ten paciencia ya caíste en el error de la experiencia

Dedicado a Ewa quien me encargó la tarea de iluminar mentes, Recuerda aunque pierdas siempre mantente fuerte

Llegará el momento en que te sobran criptos, Juega con estilo y engaña a tu sombra

Ten fe que lloverá en tu desierto, No caigas en la desesperación pidiendo apoyo al resto

Siempre honesto, no hay tolerancia para los que rompen las reglas, Que esperas, deja de pensar y observa

Que será ser la próxima prueba? Cumpliendo mis metas Es navidad hay que disfrutar y dejar los problemas

tengo un cumpleaños pronto y estoy esperando un pedazo de cake (pastel), recuerdo varias noches llorando por perder en el ayer

Gracias a Bit Coin Game por todo el apoyo, es el el mejor casino de todos

He ganado cada vez que pierdo, apuesto sin miedo La vida es un riesgo recuerda disfrutar cada momento



Algo más directo para que me entiendas... disfruta cada momento que suceda porque solo se repetirá en tu cabeza.

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1. Sing or dance? Sing!

2. Christmas Related? Absolutely

3. Post your entry in the thread. You can use imgur.com or vocaroo.com or other uploading sites for videos and recordings. I went for YouTube because of filesize constraints.

4. Optional - post in your social media with the hashtag
#BCGAME #BCGAMEChristmasTalent2022 - Used 'em all. They are written in the description of the video.

5. Share the link of your post here:

Additional Requirements: 

• Minimum VIP 4 check
• No bet required check
• Only one participant per household check


Follow all the instructions above otherwise it will be invalid.  check


First 🥇 - 100 BCD

Second 🥈 -  75 BCD

Third 🥉 - 50 BCD


4 winners of 20 BCD for selected entries that will post on their social media - (make sure you provide the link and do not delete while competition is ongoing) LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfLFB7grCoY







• Winners will be selected by available Mods/Community Managers/Vip hosts check

Once the thread closes, please wait for 48-72 hours for the distribution of prizes. will do!


Edited by sanzio
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  On 12/5/2022 at 12:21 PM, BCGameZuna said:




✨ Time to move your groove or sing out loud as BCGAME appreciates our talented players. ✨

Get your Christmas tunes and show us your sexy, energetic and cheerful dance steps! 

oh you don't wanna dance? Well then let's hear that pitch perfect voice, get your mic and do a Christmas song . Let's go🔥👯💃 or 🎤🎙️



How to join: 

1. Choose your talent to showcase: sing or dance? 

2. Make sure that it's related to Christmas. 

3. For Dancing: You need to make a video. Before your actual performance you need to say the following: 

Hello players! My username is ____ (say your username) this is for BCGAME Christmas talent 2022. 

For Singing: You need to make a video or just a recording app. Before your actual performance you need to say the following: 

Hello players! My username is ____ (say your username) this is for BCGAME Christmas talent 2022. 

4. Post your entry in the thread. You can use imgur.com or vocaroo.com or other uploading sites for videos and recordings. 

5. Optional - post in your social media with the hashtag 
#BCGAME #BCGAMEChristmasTalent2022

Share the link of your post here.

Additional Requirements: 

• Minimum VIP 4
• No bet required
• Only one participant per household


Follow all the instructions above otherwise it will be invalid. 


First 🥇 - 100 BCD

Second 🥈 -  75 BCD

Third 🥉 - 50 BCD

4 winners of 20 BCD for selected entries that will post on their social media - (make sure you provide the link and do not delete while competition is ongoing) 


• Winners will be selected by available Mods/Community Managers/Vip hosts

Once the thread closes, please wait for 48-72 hours for the distribution of prizes.




Here is a sample entry:








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