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Everything posted by DrDieCoCoJones

  1. The Blessing for the Beggar's Curse: So, check it out, They (bc.game) should just put a filter on the chat that muted any posts that used the words "please, dear, tip, send, need, help, friend, No, Begging, etc" except the people who made the posts wouldn't know that they were being muted, and the list of banned words would be top secret, this way, theoretically anyways, they would eventually stop using all of the key words involved in what might be referred to as "begging" because since nobody could hear them when they were making posts with these words, they wouldn't be getting any feedback from these posts, so they would naturally begin to gravitate towards using different, less beggary language, and if they have to use words that aren't begging words, then they by matter of course are no longer begging, and in the meantime, the rest of us wouldn't have to read a bunch of beggar pollution, or tolerate seeing all the bitching being done about the begging, because these people would just be bitching and begging to themselves, and would be invisible to the rest of us while doing so, and ONLY while doing so. Also, whats even better, is that nobody would have to bitch about beggars, because they wouldn't be aware that any begging was in fact happening at all, and if they wanted to bitch anyways, well, that's no problem, because we wouldn't be aware of the bitching! How cool would that be? How come something like this hasn't been implemented? Actually for all i know, it already has, and since i used many of the keywords, i may just be pitching solutions to the begging/bitching problem to no one but myself....if that is the case, then.....awesome.
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